Jumat, 18 April 2014

what a "holy" day

mulai jumat ini mulai libur tp cuman sampe senin.
yepp libur paskah.
kalo gue boleh bilang,,tiap province dsini tu beda2 kbijakannya.ada dkota lain dia libur 2 minggu bahkan smpe 3 minggu.whateverlah.
its not really a holy means for me.
i mean..just this morning,as i woke up.
my iphone wont turn on. what have i done last nite? nothing. just like i do every nite. i mean.regular things. i have no idea how come it happend in the morning just i woke up .__.
yea,tanpa bgtu sadar gue uda nyari hp hhahaha.
and knowing that my phone was off, i thougt it may be lowbat.then i just easily charged it rite? and few hours later..whaatt??? is it really BLANK??what is it? come oonnn..
okay,i know on tuesday im having a physic test but,,it doesnt has to work out like this :'
then i start googling,youtubing.ive tried everyyy of em exept you know,doin something inside the phone.like takon off theee idk whats it called.whtever,,i really cant do that.
aaanndd so..yea.
got no way.bcz first i cant do the hard restart since my power button is already broken.
but thre is a way just by holding the home button.buuuttt yea...mine isnt working.
aghhhhh...scheißeeee :(
all i have is my lepi after all..
ouhh and my friend suggested me to go to my provider bcz he used to do that and it works and free. aand rite nooww i reallyyy wana do that butttt again its "holy" day.

ouhh by the way,,happy easter guys :)

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