Senin, 20 Februari 2012

My lil Crushes

well..for over 2years im in senior high,,let see who are my crushes..well not reaaly important just saying..

and from 1,2,3 and more..there's one that i used to like..his  cute,religious,not really bad appearance,kinda smart too.but yeah..when he stands along boys,,for me he's like,.."why are you thinner then the other boys?even you're taller a bit maybe with me.." :D and everybody knows that.but im not sure whether he knows that or not.but i guess he doesnt.what i mean everybody knows is that,,yea most of my friends..and what i hate is that at that time he's like to love another girl.well the story how i met him is a long story and im really not in a mood of telling that. cuz now i dont like him and its just lil crush for about months. 

skg,,gue lg pngen ngbhas another lil crush.yg awalnya gw knal dy klas 2.(yaiyalah se*piiippp) :D 
awal klas 2,brrti kelas baru,teman baru,new crush either,,well the conversation starts like this
|mari kita lihat,,siapa yg mayan disni yaa...?
::hmmhh,,still no one jjiz,,,| *ups name no sensored
|eh eh,,tp ntr ada yg bening kog,,anak pindhan juga kea lu meg,,::
::pindahan klas mna?
|lupa gue..his name is,,*****..tau g lu?itu lho yg pas awal kita dsini,,kn ada yg ultah itu lho mee...
::oh,,g knal mukanya jg aku lupa..:D 
               ***few days later***
|kae lho meg cahe.. *he enteres the class*
::ooo,,g prnah liat..-_-
|-_-" how?
::hahah iya lmyan emg jiz...hahah kea apa aja..hunting cwo?-_-
*lanjuutt belajaarr*

well,,when i keep staring at him...what?his name?yea part of his name,,there's my ex name,,but luckily he uses his front name,,so i wont reallly remember my ex name,i mean that ex is the one who had long times with me lol.well for that time,,its kinda hard thou..
oh my god! i guess..the only person who stuck with him is just me,,,:| 
awal2nya,,iya cuma suka ngliatin aja,,trs tau dy emg punya pcar tp beda skolah,,tp msih awal2 masuk skolah thun ajaran bru klas 2 itu,,dia dket ama cewe beda klas satu skolah.well,,shes cute,putih,nice skin,pake krudung pula.,ya masuk kategori cwe cantik deh,,long story juga si klo gw critain si cwe yg trnyta,,like "wow!hardly imagined. a girl like that can..,do..,.....**sensoorr** ya kinda bad lah,,and the boy..he's really INTO that girl for sure..yea i know that lately,,like months before now..
well at the end that cute girl now..yea she bcame his girl and like every break time,,the girl always come to my class,,oh my gosh..whos really in love? well im not really thinkin about that.
so..yea at first i dont really make him as my crush,,i mean,,he's someone else's now.and hes like to handsome for veryy veryy high to reach lil star 3mters above i dont really know what my heart says.its like,,over for me,,lagian,,ada tmen gue yg ya dya smpt bilang dia suka ama doi.ampe bilang dia tu princeku gtu,,tp gue rasa itu cuma ya suka apa ya,,ya gtu,,soalnya tmenku ini dy bnyak knlan cwo yg dh gede2 jg,,orng tmenku ni punya pcar,,tp aq lupa ps dy suka ama doi,tmenku ni pas pux pcar apa blm i forgot..ya cuma gw tau aja..dy dy modelnya g kea aku,,i mean diffrent in some ways..
crushku yg ini sama yg aku critain di atas awal bgt td,itu dluan yg ini,,,tp ya hmpir mepetlah wktunya,,sama awal klas dua.klo yg di atas kn kita satu ekskul.trs sring ada event breng trus ktmu dll.dy jg wktutu jmblo lama keanya *lhoh ,,orngnya seru juga,,jd ya klop2 aja ya itu skg kn uda g suka..klo inget2 itu,ato pas skg misal liat dy tu kea,,"kog bisa gw dlu suka sma lo?i mean,,youre not really my type,but when i got texted by you,take picts w/ u, its like,, im flying soo highhh and smile 5cm right and left.:))" funny rmembering that,,:))
jd tu,,pas ama yg inisial C *ngawur* itu yg emhhh yg aku crtain dprgraf k2.. klo yg atas bgt itu insialnya N aja ya..nah,, kan si C lg pdkte BGT ama si cute,,jd gw kea hopeless lah..trs kea gw dpt pncrah #uweeh apa ya..ya smcam another lha~ itu si N..and that happended months..and over like,,heyy dont say me with him aagain,i surely finished with him.lgian dy g nmbak2 jga,,males jg gue cpek.ahahha.. and then my heart was really empty..until klas 3 ini,,ada tmen gue,shabt gue,,namanya inas #eaaa 
dia bner2 ngbuat gue yakin klo emg si doi C ini my real crush.even i cant recognize what my heart really want. jadi tu,,ya gw bisa dibilang mayan sring si ngmongin dy..entah si cwonya apa si cwenya,,dan g tau deh ngmongiin apanya,,anything dah.misal gmbar,ava,pp,dp,,isu2nyalha,,*lhoh gosip -_- 
dan g tau knpa jg si inas inimngkin ganjel kalil ya,,mega kog sring bgt ngbhas ni cwo,entah crta mmpiin dyalah,dll..trs akhirnya inas nanya k gue,,meg,lo suka ya ama dy? | ha?engga cuma crta aja nas g ngrti,,:| | hayoo ngaku,,| *trs gue ya mkir2,trdiam,,,mngkin,,,,,,iya.. | and like she dscoverd it.pdhal gue ya klo misal gw bnran mngkin ah g mngkin..ayolah im not even his type! jd ya aku jdiin angin lalu aja.jd misal gw ngbhas dy,ya cuma obrolan kea anak2 lain,ya biasa ngbrolin nama anak2 gitu..

pdhal,,gue smpet itu ada wktu gue bilang "aduuuu g bgt,ogah bner deh gue ama lo lg" *batinbilang* 
ini klo g pas klas 2 ya klas 3.yg jlas wktu lg olah raga.he wears short training.and yea dy tinggi,pnter main drum ,putih,but i guess perlu daging lagi,, ya myanlhah pas itu gw bru liat kakinya *hell nooo! nghahah what? no no,,,and when he not my type.. larinya tu,,aku lupa.kea cwe kalik.g tw dy g bancii.cwo ya mski dlu smpt cupu ya kan dolooooo smp -_- but now,,his cool for me,:) 
tp mskipun itu prnah trjdi pdaku,,,i don know..may be this feeling comes back again?or may be that feeling never goes anywhere,? 

ya yg jlas,,oia itu inas bilang gtu pas klas 3. iya emg gue lbih sring ngmongin dy pas klas 3,,g ngrti mngkin pas lg bnyak info aja ttng dy *lhoh dan skg,,dkit2 gue crta aappaa gtu ttng dia k inas,,ahahaa,,shes the only one who knows it,,and i called him "batang" :) well if you read this,,it means you know guys,,whatever,its just a diary. tp smkin gw ykin ini bener,it pains me when his not with me.i mean may be not in one group or kinda like that,,:| 

I wanna Write letter to you,,dear,,ehm someone else's..*pake nada calm ok*
"lo tu pinter tau sbernya,kliatan kog. tp knpa lo mainnn gamee truuss?iya gpp si, lu main game trus tp otak lu msih mau bwt bljr.lo tau g si?otak lu tu klo bner2 niat blajar pngen ngrti something.sprtinya cpet masuk drpda gue,ya lgian emg cwo tu lbih pnter otaknya dr cwe.ayolha jngan gitu.kog mau sih urusan kuliah lo diurus ama cwe lo?lo punya cita2 kan?lo punya masa depan kan?its not like youre getting married with her next months so you have to stick together dan g jdi malu krna undangan suda dsbarkan ksanak saudara.. how could you want your girl to do all the things you need to enroll universty?or ur girl wants it?wake up! univrsty is a a step where can lead you to your bright future.please.this step of reaching dreams,is not a game.ini antara takdir dan thing that you should know..if shes your last couple that would make a promise to love and to cheer till the end of life in your marriage,you know you'll meet her oneday.suatu hari dman kmu dan cwemu dpt impian kerjaan...mngkin gw trlalu ngrusin ato ikut cmpur,,aahahhaha iyaaa bgtttt...;p ;p whatever.its just unseen letter thou. and you know what?just go with me.youre from a rich fam and everybody knows it.dont use that so you could live happily without your own sweat.go with hard!!and approve to them that ure not a bad boy,you're a clver,dligent boy.:)) cant you have an image of studying abroad?:|  hahah drtd gue omong syeng,
gue cma brharap.lo g nyesel kdpannya.cuz actually,,love will find the way,,if the love used to be gathered,they'll find their way back then,,gw brharp apapun putusan lo yg lo buat,it would reach every single dreams that uve made,,and for the girl,please dont play on him like your first heart do to him,you know he really loves you.#weikkss"

oia,,mlah,,td gue shock,,ahahaah td slah satu tmen gue,,td kan klmpok ku abis prsntasi pkn,abis slse tu kita kan dduk dibangku gtu ya,,,trs tb2 tmenku yg satu ini,,hho si D aja ya,,masa tb2 dy crta k guw gni..
she:"mbak,mbak,,(biasanya kta mggil sesama mbaak -_- jd g mndang umur hha) bien yo mbak,pas indomie jngledare,,,kan aku ikut,*si C* juga ikut to mbak,,aku sek gung knal dy..awalnya aku suka mbak,hahaa "cah iki og gnteng to,," ngno mbak aku,,hhaha,,tp saiki,,haleh biasa,," |
me:"haha iya tp mbak ? (batinku:ohmugoddd lo juga prnah suka ama dya?-_-") eh mbak mbak,,leh mu bilang g kkerasan to?
she: masak?
me: iyo mana dy blkang kita serong 
she: haleh bene malaha pe tak dudoi og...*piiip* *piip* aku mbien ngser awakmu o,.saiki ora,,hha ngno mbak,,bene,,hahah,,
me : hahah smbarang,,kmu yo pede og.pacar2anmu kan bnyak(batinku)

this guy,,if he were my boyfriend,,i'll tell him "you know what?youre name are fulled with the name of my past.except 3 letters of your last name "wan",,the,the first is my second ex which lasted just a month,,the second is my first ex which lasted almost a year.and your 3rd word which like a girl name,,thats a name of one of my friend who used to be my best and used to ruin my rlationship w/ my first ex. :D so only "wan" which has no meaning for me,,hhaha,,so i'll call you "wann".." hhaha.

goshh,,tired.hahahh no actually.ehmm,,i actually want to put his pict but,,no,,i couldnt do that..

1 komentar:

Dyn mengatakan...

Such a love-story... Well, some words are miswritten, pay attention on it next time, dear :)