Rabu, 10 Juli 2013

"Here" in Ramadhan 1434H

here?where is it?where am i?
uhuhuu im having my first fasting in this long-time-fasting country,..in europe,exactly in grmany. 
well,,today is my first day of fasting for ramadhan,which means ill be fasting again for the next 30days.. :D
well i did bfore sunnah fasting,,its a puasa senin kamis,,but just once,and for the next few days?no fasting.so its not really tiring.but at least ive tried.and yea ive reach till the end.till maghrib comes.
its not about the tiring one.well,its already a risk rite?,so talking about risk is not a matter.so far yeaaa fine hahaha..
but im really gona miss home,like last yeaar??hhaha its fine.i have skype,home has skype.ohh its like i wanna go and jump on the skype and ill be there,i be in the place that im in skype with hhaha..so imposiiblee .__."
sad?? hmmh well not really thou, i know its my first time for having ramadhan in uncomplte family,,but i know i could pass throu it.
btw,it feels exiting thou having fasting in a  time like this.and its the first time,,its just.."something" hhehehe,just enjoy it.
okay,i know some may curious how long does it take for a day??
kita mulai sahur itu jam 2an,cz sbuhnyaa jam 3lwtlah mau stngah 4 gtu,,trs bukanya alias magribnyaa ituu jam stngah 10 kurang.. :D 
so the conclusion is that,,we might have one time for eating hehe..no,not really.
yahh apalahh buka sama sahur dgabung gtu.but yeaa back to your ownself..

smoga bulan ramadhanku kali ini penuh berkaah,berkaaahhh bgtttt..
trimakasih ya allah telah memberi hamba kesempatan untuk bisa mngikuti puasa dbulan suci ini..
bulan yg penuh berkah,,smoga berkaah buat smuanyaa :D 
happy fasting all around the world~ 

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