Rabu, 01 Agustus 2012

Its kinda...

Oke.slsai ttng snmptn.
Yahh apapun haislnya itu saya mncona untuk lebih lapang dada.i know that gods plan is much more beautiful!!! Rencana Tuhan pasti sangat sangat indah.dan Indah pada waktunya.
Oke,I wont just stuck there,cuz ive got planned  to study abroad..and why I choose to study abroad?ive posted that for before.like very long ago,,lemme find that post later..
Okay,,crita gue ngurusbkeberangkatan gue kherman!how was it????bnyak tragedy sih,soalnya kan ini gue ngurus sndiri.gu brngktnya pribadi kaga lwt agen ato instansi…klo ada duit bnyakk mah sokk aja lwt instansi yg bgus skalian,,soalnya juga nih,,agenda2nya tuh seru2,ada bmbingan konselingnya tuh bwt klian yg msih bngung mau ngmbil apa tp pngn skolah dluar..tp tttep sih tgt instansi juga. :Dyaa liat aja deh situs2nya..smpt sih aku mau ikut itu,,endingnya g jd tp..
klo aku sih,,soalnya uda ada kaka dsana,,yahh lumayan mmbantulah,jdi kea brkas dsini guy g ngurus,trs dsana mbakku prepare sgala mcem yg gu bthuin dsana ntr,dr tmpt tnggal dll deh.
Soo,,prsiapan apa aja yg hrus dsiapin??of course mentally and physically guys!
Lo hrus bner2 yakin if that’s your choise! Bukan krna  ikut2an,ato ngejar gengsi.
Untuk kbrangkatan kita untuk calon s1,smuanya bhasa pngantarnya tu deutsch so ofcouurse we have to learn that language,,anyway that’ll be your daily speak thou. Ada yg bhsa inggris but that’s skolah yg swasta itu sih hsil pncarian gue diinternet dn yaa trnyata bnar kata kakak klo mau yg s1 pke bhs inggris(baca:basing) adanya yg swasta,dn ya dmna2 swsta lbih mhal kn yak dr negri…
Prepare sblumngurus brkas itu adalah TAKE A COURSE! Deutsch course of course,
And where the hell I get that? Untungnya sih dkota gue ada bbrpa skolah yg pljaran tmbhan bhsa asingnya ada bhsa jrman.klo skolah gue kn cuman jepang..gu mulia les bhsa jrman itu awal klas 3 kmrn.dbimbing dg guru bhsa jrman tingkat SMA.mnurut gue sih bisa dbilang ckup lambat soalnya yaa,,ya apa ya..byangin aja hmpir staun sih dr augustan gtu smpe trakhir kmrn juni klo g juli.btw btw  nih gu ganti guru ada 3x..hhahaha,,
Knapa gu biilang lama,,soalnya apa ya,,itu itu aja gtu..tp gmna ya,,yah mngkin trkesan lambat soalnya jug alesku g sring2 amat,smnggu2x dg perhari 1jam stngah.blum dtmbah kadang ada hari yg gu bisa,tp gurunya g bisa dn sbaliknya.lgian klas 3 coyy,sbuk les tmbhan dll kan psti?agak ribet sih emg,yaah pinter2 bagi2 wktu aja sbnrnya.
Knpa gu gnti tentor mpe 3x? yg prtama enak sih,gurunya cwe,lugas dia klo njelasin.trs smpe awal2 bulan thun bru,januarianlah..itu gurunya mngundurkan diri gtu critanya dg alasan gurunya skg bnyak tugas dn suaminya lgi pulang cuti yg pulangnya itu lumayan lama dr bln2 sblmnya pkoknya gitu..trs sama guruku itu dia cri pnggantinya kan.tiap skolah pling ga guru tmbhan bhsa asing itu ada 2.dn dskolah itu ada guru bhs jrman cwo.oke kita dpasrahin kdia.gubbyyee frauuu helloo Herrrr !!!! hhhmm sama herr ini,,aku kurang srek.apa ya,,he taught us like not..hhmmh,,,god seriously Is he a deutschs teacher??well yea he do know deutsch but…sometimes,noo he mostly change the theory about some grammatic.helll yeaa,so example at first he says A,,and I get confused with his sayings and I asked back about the A,,he seems like confusing,so he change his theory again like what I asked.hellloooo sir??im just aksing wethre its rite or wrong???
Herr : “okay so if like this we must do this blablabla..”
Me : “oowhh,,okay herrmso if theres this,so we have to put this too?or not?..”
Herr *confusedface* “hhmmh wait wait,ahhh sorry sorry,,so if its like this must be this,yea yea mega like that.youre rite..sorry…”  or sometimes he says like this “wait wait lemme check again,,lemme see in this book,,okay..”
Wooott??this shud be easy for teacher,its not like we’re memorizing the articles.and this happends not just one or two or three times..i dunno know,I just cant get along with this.so I decided to stop the lessons with him,with a reason that I want to focus on my UN..so that happened like two months before  the UN,sorry sir..but we’re still in contact like with twitter :D hahha..
And we look another teacher from another school,,and yeaa Ive got!!! And this is the gut gut gut gutt deh pkoknya! He used to be a tour guide in Lombok and around that,,tour guide for deutschen like a  3 years ago.and it take a long time too being tour guidelikearound a year..dan dia punya kenalanor ng german pula.gokilnya itu wktu guru ini nikah,dia ngundang orng grmannya itu ehh datang beneran coba.pdhal iseng ngundag critanya whahaha coooolllll~ he showed us somes of the photos there,,
And yea dia jg ada knalana orng Goethe.yaa g ngepek buat apa2 tp stdaknya yaa bgus aja mpe punya knalan orng Goethe.jd inget dlu pas bli buku a1 dgoethe sby,smpt mbaknya da tanya knal sama pak..wktu itu aku g knal..namanya juga aneh –“ hheh mav pak!

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